Returning to work after a career break
You have taken time out of the workplace for a number of reasons. Perhaps you have spent time raising your family or travelling around the world or studying. Now is the time for you to return to the workplace. However, you are feeling nervous, anxious, unsure of current processes, not had an interview for a while and need some practice. Working with me you will be ready to return to the world of work with confidence regardless of the reason you took a break.
Where you’re at…
- You had a specific skill, however, unsure if those skills are still valid today
- You have not been in any workplace for years and don’t know the current protocols or recruitment processes
- Your CV is out of date and you don’t know what current employers look for in a CV
- You have not had an interview for years!
The problems you have right now…
- You are looking for a job or want to change jobs/career and don’t know what direction to take.
- Feel nervous that you will not fit into the workplace after all these years away
- Don’t know how to prepare for an interview
- Have tried applying for jobs but struggle with application forms
- Don’t know where to start and lack the confidence to get going
What you need help with right now…
- Identifying what skills you have to offer a potential employer
- Understanding the best type of role for you
- Clarity on the career direction to take
- How to get your CV up to date
- How to prepare for the interview and what to wear
- Gain the confidence to Go For It!
How can the ‘Return to Work with confidence’ package help you?
I will help you identify the strengths that enable you to perform at your natural best. Provide clarity on the type of role best suited to your personality ensuring you are happy in your current or next role/career. Your CV will receive a makeover and you will be given guidance on how to prepare for your next interview.
In addition, if desired, a skincare & makeup consultation, headshot photo session and social media review can be organised to ensure you are portraying the professional image you want.