Episode 11 – Parenting with ADHD. Navigating Challenges and Building Confidence

Episode Overview

In this episode, we’re tackling some of the common myths and misunderstandings surrounding ADHD.

Parenting is tough enough, but adding ADHD into the mix can feel overwhelming at times. I’ll be sharing my personal journey as both a parent and grandparent to kids with ADHD, and what I’ve learned about the condition over the years.

Together, we’ll explore strategies that help reduce conflict at home and give you the confidence to better support your neurodiverse child.

From understanding the emotional struggles your child may face to learning how to advocate for them in school and beyond, this episode offers practical insights you can apply immediately.

Whether you're new to the ADHD journey or simply looking for more tools in your parenting toolbox, you'll come away feeling more equipped and supported. Let’s get started!

Episode Highlights

(2:48) The Importance of Discipline

(5:00) Understanding and Addressing ADHD

(6:30) Strategies for Supporting Children with ADHD

(11:36) Managing Behaviours and Emotions

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