Episode 6 – ADHD Medications for Children


Episode Overview

Finding the right fit for your child.

In this episode of The ADHD Revolution, we're tackling one of the toughest decisions for parents: choosing the right medication for your child with ADHD.

We'll explore the different types of medications available, both stimulants and non-stimulants and how they work to manage ADHD symptoms.

I’ll also walk you through essential questions to ask your prescriber to ensure you're making the best choice for your child’s unique needs.

Whether you're leaning towards medication or looking into alternative treatments, this episode will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

Whether you're leaning towards medication or looking into alternative treatments, this episode will give you the knowledge you need to make informed decisions.

Episode Highlights

(2:45) Different types of ADHD medications

(4:40) The key to managing ADHD

(9:10) Exercise, mindfulness, and coaching

(14:55) Important questions to ask medical prescribers

(17:45) Supporting children with ADHD

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