Episode 5 – Managing anger and emotions in children with ADHD

Episode Overview

Today, we’re discussing a common challenge many parents face: managing a child’s anger, especially in kids with ADHD.

We’ll explore the root causes of anger in children with ADHD, such as feeling misunderstood or sensory overload, and how external pressures like bullying can intensify these feelings.

I’ll also guide you through some strategies to help your child express and manage their emotions effectively. From using descriptive language to recognise feelings to setting clear consequences for actions, these tips are designed to foster understanding and help with behaviour management.

So, join me as we tackle these challenges together and aim to empower our children to navigate their emotions more effectively.

Episode Highlights

(1:53) Managing anger in children with ADHD

(3:15) common co-occurring condition in children with ADHD

(6:40) Helping children to recognise and understand emotions

(8:02) Have open, calm conversations with children to understand their perspective and discuss consequences for behaviours

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